Tellermate money counters can streamline your business by making your employees and cash management more efficient. An immediate question arises here is, how? How can a Tellermate machine make your employees and cash management more efficient? There are many ways in which a cash counting machine can help your business. Five of them are here.
Frees up Your Cashiers
By integrating Tellermate cash counters at your billing counters, you can reduce the burden on your cashiers. The task of counting cash is a serious task that cannot be done even a little lazily, because mistakes in counting cash affects the bottom line as well as put the employee’s credibility and loyalty at risk. Tellermate cash counters automate the process of counting cash. A task that generally takes a couple of minutes is done just in a couple of seconds. So, your cashiers have more time. Also, a job that used to be done by two people can now be done by just one. This means you can use freed employee for some other task.
Counts Coins and Notes of Different Denominations Together
You don’t need to separate notes and coins of different denominations before putting them on a cash counter because your Tellermate cash counters can easily identify and count them. As the machine can check the accuracy of a coin roll too, it saves you much time. Your money counters will also inform you if a coin roll has too few or too many coins.
Counts Old & Torn Bills
Tellermate cash counters don’t face any difficulty in recognizing old and torn bills. If you have a stack of old and torn bills to count, then you should count 20 or fewer bills at one time. However, if you have new bills, then you should count 7 to 10 bills at once.
Identifies Counterfeit Notes
Tellermate money counters can easily identify counterfeit notes. They have sensors that recognize the substances used to make banknotes, so even if a note is kept in the middle of a strap of bills to count, the Tellermate money counter identifies it.
Tellermate cash counters are light weight so they can easily be carried from one place to another. If you ever need your cash counters somewhere else to do spot audits, then you can easily take them to where they are needed.
For high-quality Tellermate money counters, call us now.