If you are looking to invest in either a cash counter machine or coin counter machine, then you should be aware of the different features that they contain and which ones may be helpful to you.
Let’s first start with the coin counter machine, and what features to look out for.
Coin Counter Machine Features
While the trusty coin counter machine is not as popular as it was in the past, it still plays a very valuable role in helping out businesses with their daily accounting and sales tasks.
With an impressively fast coin counting speed, machines can count in excess of two thousand coins per minute, depending on the power of your machine.
On top of this notably quick speed, a coin counter machine can even reject coins that have been placed in the wrong denomination, for example rejecting quarters in a batch that should only contain 10 cents.
Depending on if you deal with multiple currencies, having a coin counter machine that counts different currencies can also be a real blessing. Particularly if you are dealing with a number of different currencies, identifying, separating and then manually counting foreign coins can add a considerable amount of time to your accounting process.
Cash Counter Machine Features
As more businesses invest in their own cash counter machine, there are innovative features and new developments springing up all of the time.
An increasingly fast counting speed is one feature, as cash counters can tally over 1000 notes a minute,ensuring your cash intakeis calculated in a matter of seconds.
Counterfeit notes have become increasingly difficult to spot, so having a cash counter machine that does this for you is a great way of safeguarding against fake money. By implementing a process whereby customers pay through the cash counter machine, you are able to actively use this to ensure that counterfeit money does not enter your circulation.
Another nifty feature of many modern cash counting machines is being able to have the bills batched up to a customized amount, so if you need your money in stacks of $200, this just requires a quick adjustment on the machine and you are away.
If you deal with money in any aspect of your business, then the likelihood is that a coin or cash counter machine could make a big difference to your overall efficiency.